Services |
Register any of the top level domain names eg .com, .org, .net, .biz, and more… |
Our hosting services feature rich, scalable hosting solutions, and depending on preference, our customers have the option of hosting on either shared or dedicated servers. |
When designing your website with Swiftweb, you will appreciate the amount of attention we give our clients as we strive to completely satisfy your total objective by ensuring that your |
website professionally represents your company or organization. |
At Swiftweb you will find a number of options to create your uniquely designed website. We use products such as: Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, HTML, JavaScript, .NET, XML, PHP, My SQL, Perl and more. |
SEO - Search Engine Optimization refers to optimizing a website as per the requirements of major search engines for specific keywords or key phrases and aims at helping a website rank high in major |
search engines, thereby increasing its visibility and simultaneously increasing traffic to a specific website. Results show that effective website promotion through SEO helps a company reach out the maximum number of visitors over the web in a manner that is more cost effective than utilizing traditional marketing strategies. At Swiftweb, we have a team of experienced SEO specialists that will endeavor to make sure your website ranks high on popular search engines eg Google, Yahoo, MSN. |
The globalization of information technology and web development services offers new opportunities in terms of enhanced cost efficient production. Swiftweb avails to customers the possibility of taking advantage of global outsourcing which translates into reduced expenses for great services and products. We provide professional data entry and transcription services in the areas of Corporate, Litigation, Real Estate Financial Services and Mediation. Various formats and presentations are utilized during the preparation of documents which include transcripts for Conferences & Seminar covering Real Estate, Interview Transcripts, Media Transcripts, Aviation, Insurance Case Reporting, Gardening, Portfolios, Proofreading, Editing & Revision Services, Newsletters, Medical Research Studies & Reports, Document Conversions, Thesis & Journals. FTP Server utilization for communication ease, speed, confidentiality & quality maintenance. |